Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Banana peel for acne

« ...One of the biggest and probably the only curse of teenage are the bouts of acne that appear on the youthful skin of adolescents. Acne is a prolonged skin problem that induces inflammation in the oil-producing sebaceous glands. Acne can strike on any one or all areas like the face, neck, back or chest. It can surface anytime between the age of ten to thirteen and plague a teenager for the next five to ten years....
...Treating acne does not have to be expensive and confusing. The best treatment is to get yourself a good, reputable acne skin care system, follow the diet and lifestyle rules and you will have clear skin. Guaranteed....»
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«...While pregnant, your body is changing and growing from the moment of conception and along with all that growing and changing comes new and different experiences. The fluid levels, hormones, anti-bodies, etc. are all at such elevated levels during a pregnancy, that at times one of the results is acne. Because of the raised levels of hormones in the woman's body, acne becomes almost second nature, and during the pregnancy, most acne medications are explicitly off limits for the health and safety of the unborn child....»
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tags: types of acne hard dry pimples, which hormones cause pregnancy acne, food cures for acne scarring

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