Sunday, September 28, 2008

How touse vitamin b6 for premenstrual acne or pimples

« ...Some people have Acne prone skins and they find it annoying. Some others have sensitive skins that react to the slightest irritation and they find it very inconveniencing. What do we then say of those that have a combination of both? Choosing an ideal treatment can be a great stress for these poor folks because whatever product they choose has to not only treat the acne condition, but has to do it mildly so as not to cause other problems. It is even much worse because their skins react unfavorably to some chemicals used int the treatment of Acne....
...In stronger cases of adult acne, dermatologists may prescribe antibiotics or retinoids (Vitamin A derivatives) such as Accutane. However, these are strong medications that should never be taken unless under medical supervision, because they can seriously hamper certain bodily functions....»
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«...However, the best option is to start immediate treatment and stop scars to be deepen and disfiguring. The more effective method of healing is through simple home remedies. If scars have already very deep then one should seek the help of a dermatologist instead of treating it with home remedies. One should immediately start the treatment and avoid the chronicle condition of the skin....»
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tags: can you prevent hormonal acne breakouts, best acne remedy, hormonal disorders in women, acne

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